Meet The Coaches

Our primary mission is to provide story tellers with the tools and support they need to develop their own unique brand of storytelling. Our coaches work closely with aspiring story tellers to outline, define, and hone their skills, all while helping them develop experience and build confidence.  


John Davis

John Davis / Founder and Master Story Coach

Master Story Telling Coach John Davis has been sharing stories as long as he can remember. He honed his story telling craft as a Chicago restaurateur, magazine columnist, wine marketer, and men’s group host. He works with storytellers to build their raw stories into a tight seven minutes. “It’s a wonderful, collaborative process,” says John. As a story coach it’s important to let the storytellers decide what’s important and avoid putting words in their mouths. I love helping them shape it into an extraordinary tale.


Jesus Garcia / Senior Story Telling Coach

Jesus Garcia is a 21 year old college audio engineering student. His parents have been telling him interesting stories since he can remember. He believes that stories are the best legacy one can leave behind and it’s an exciting privilege to help speakers flesh out their tales. His career goals are to work with musicians to record and market their musical stories.

Jesus Garcia
Roger Strand

Roger Strand / Story Telling Coach in Training

Roger Strand loves to help folks craft their individual stories. He is a Utah native and Park City resident. His love of stories came at an early age while traveling around the world with his father. During those adventures he met fantastic people who were willing to share stories and friendships. Their stories made him better appreciate a world where each culture is unique.