a storytelling workbook

Story Teller Classes

The Mastering the Art of Story Telling class is offered through the Park City School District – Community Education.  Below is an explanation of the classes and you can contact us for further information.


Sample Course Curriculum

Class 1 Selecting Your Story

You’ll work with our coaches to carefully select your story. You’ll create an opening scene that will “hook” listeners and create scenes that move the story along.


Class 2 Constructing The Story

You’ll create one sentence that will summarize your story and serve as a story roadmap. You’ll identify what the story means to you and why you care about it. You’ll also identify what effect your story had on you – big or small. You’ll practice moving various parts of the story around to add clarity and meaning.


Class 3 Are You Ready to Tell Your Story?

You’ll practice some basic techniques that make a story riveting. You’ll start by dropping listeners into the moment of time and place that starts the story. You’ll give us details about the various scenes and supporting characters. You’ll carefully choose the final moments of the story to bring everything into perspective.


Class 4 Finalizing The Story

You’ll practice the nuts and bolts of great storytelling and apply them to your story. You’ll drop unnecessary details that don’t move the story to a clear conclusion and blend your “scenes” smoothly together.


Class 5 Practicing Your Story With Classmates

Practice, practice, practice. This is what makes it easy, what helps your story flow, what brings a natural rythym to it. Watching your classmates stumble and soar...then taking your turn to do the same. By the end you will have found within you a new confidence, both pleasing and uplifting.


Class 6 The Story Teller Salon

Typically in front of friends or relatives of the speakers, it all comes together. In a fun atmosphere three or four story tellers take turns standing and delivering. Afterwards, with the inner glow of a great delivery shining through, the story tellers gather for a Q&A with the audience.