video crew filming a storyteller
Roger Strand

Roger Strand, a Utah native, shares how his mother abandons the family when he is a child – only it turns out she is forced away by a father, who intercepts her letters to her son for five years. Roger is now a Story Coach-in-Training.
Isabella Silva

Isabella Silva, a ski instructor from Brazil, tells how she becomes a certified and celebrated ski instructor against all odds. Isabella gains the credentials to teach skiing anywhere in the world despite coming from a country with no snow.
Jesus Garcia

Jesus Garcia, a college student, shares Pizzagate, the time he rebels against his middle school administration who does not want him ordering in pizza for lunch. Jesus perseveres and rallies his classmates to form a clever plan to outwit the administration.

Maya’s story is about when she was ten years old in 4th grade and a new male student arrived at her school. The boy was tall and handsome, played the drums and all the female classmates developed a crush on him, including Maya. However the boy had a bad habit of stealing food from Maya’s lunch box and she knew she had to confront him even if it meant losing her “crush.”
Judy Horowitz

Park City resident Judy Horwitz planned on giving her youngest daughter the “perfect wedding” which was scheduled in New York City. Regretfully, the catastrophe of 9/11 occurred 10 before the wedding sending the city into chaos and disrupting the wedding plans. Judy tells the remarkable tale of how she, as the mother of the bride, dealt with the situation.
Dan Dillard

Dan Dillard, a native of Minnesota, woke up one morning in his car in the China Bridge parking lot. He was wearing clothes, with price tags, that he did not recognize and had no idea how he travelled over 1000 from his Minnesota to Park City. Dan tells the story of fining the answer to this puzzle which changed his life.